
Korona virus in gore / Coronavirus and Mountaineering

Gorska reševalna zveza Slovenija v času epidemije odsvetuje aktivnosti v hribih, posebej v visokogorju,kjer je večja možnost poškodb, saj so razmere v gorah še vedno zelo zahtevne in nevarne.

V času epidemije, ko medicinsko osebje in civilna zaščita, deluje na meji zmogljivosti, lahko gorske nesreče še dodatno obremenijo, že tako preobremenjen zdravstveni sistem v teh izrednih razmerah, katerim smo trenutno priča v državi.

V primeru gorske nesreče in reševanja s helikopterjem, če bo helikopter sploh na voljo, bo transport ponesrečenca v primeru suma na okužbo s COVID19, težko izvedljiv, saj se je potrebno zavedati, da piloti nimajo zaščitne obleke in je pri svojem delu ne morejo uporabljati. Tudi gorski reševalci zelo težko pri samem reševanju nosimo zaščitna oblačila, saj nas ovirajo pri reševanju v zahtevnem gorskem terenu. Vse državljane zato pozivamo k odgovornemu izbiranju ciljev gibanja na svežem zraku. V danih razmerah stopimo skupaj in ravnajmo odgovorno.

Dopolnitev s strani GRS Tržič na Facebooku :
Ob sumu na okužbo ponesrečenca s COVID19 bodo piloti prevoz s helikopterjem zelo verjetno odklonili, gorski reševalci pa bodo najprej poskrbeli za lastno varnost in reševanja se lahko precej zapletejo, v tej situaciji ni nič samoumevno.

Mountain Rescue Association Slovenia is advised against activities in the hills during the epidemic, especially in the highlands, where there is a greater risk of injuries, as the conditions in the mountains are still very demanding and dangerous.

In an epidemic when medical personnel and civil protection operate at the capacity limit, mountain accidents can put an additional strain on the already overburdened health system in these emergencies we are currently witnessing in the country. 

In the event of a mountain accident and rescue with a helicopter, if a helicopter will be available at all, transporting an accident in case of suspected COVID19 infection will be difficult because it is necessary to be aware that pilots do not have protective clothing and cannot use it in their work. Mountain rescuers also find it very difficult to wear protective clothing when rescuing, as they hinder us from dealing in difficult mountain terrain. We therefore urge all citizens to choose the goals of the fresh air movement responsibly. In the given circumstances, let us step together and act responsibly.

Addition by GRS Tržič on Facebook:

If a COVID19 casualty is suspected, pilots will probably refuse transportation by helicopter, also mountain rescuers will first take care of their own safety and the rescue can be quite complicated, in this situation
it is nothing for granted.

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